We have just finished Day 3 of our new school year. I am enjoying our new, earlier schedule, but it is still kicking my booty a little bit. :-) Josh has a really great teacher and is loving 3rd grade so far. Mind you, they haven't done anything at all the least bit challenging that I can tell, other than learning the school routine, so we'll see how it goes when the work picks up a bit. (If the work doesn't pick up, difficulty wise, I'm going to totally freak out, but we'll save that for later!) You know that he's totally at ease when he tells you, "I don't need you to walk me the rest of the way." Ouch. My little boy is growing up fast. So far I have been walking him to and from school, which again, is also kicking my booty a little, as it is a tad farther than I would normally go for a leisurely stroll with the kids, but I am hoping that between the calories I'm walking off and the calories I'm sweating off (it is so dang hot lately!!!), it'll be worth it.
Here's Josh on his first day of school. His backpack was already at school waiting for him because they were told to bring their school supplies to the Back to School Night last Thursday. So all he had to bring was his lunch.
Having Pop Tarts (i.e. breakfast of champions!):
Delaney (& the other girls) are woken up just in time to have family scripture study and say good-bye to big brother:
"I'll just come over here and email my home planet while no one is watching....oh dang, Momma caught me."
Once we got to school, Josh found the first open chair and started in on the word search waiting for him. I don't think he realized that he had plopped down next to three girls! Oh well, it'll be just like home.
He said "Bye" like it was no big deal, and after chatting with the teacher for a minute, I realized that oh, I guess I can leave now. It was weird for me. I was very thankful though for such a brave, independent boy.
Here I am sneaking a picture of their first Pledge of Allegiance, before I really did leave.
So, that leaves me with Delaney who is homeschooling 1st grade this year. I have re-tweaked the agenda since Josh is at "the big school" and we're now doing a conglomeration of Galloping the Globe, Sonlight Science 1, Winterpromise Animal Worlds, and Sonlight K. Here is the school area since the last reshuffle. (click on the thumbnails for full view)
Delaney and I have been butting heads the last couple of days, which I am attibruting mostly to the fact that she is totally lost without Josh around. When she adjusts, I think it is actually going to be really good for her, because up until now she has really been in his shadow a lot and this will give her a chance to spread her wings a little bit. Sunday night we changed the kids' rooms around also, so now she has her own room (the room next to the school room) and Sadie & Ava now share a room.
Ava is a total nutball. She spends every waking moment puttering around looking for trouble. This new tendency also coincides with her discovery of her ability to shriek high enough to make your brain explode. Makes for some fun moments! Today, for example, she decided to finally try going down the stairs on her own. Let's just say she's not very good at it yet. ;-)
Here is the little scamp decorating herself with her sisters' dress up jewelry:
In other news:
(1) It's official, root canals are not very fun. Thank you to whoever invented the magic known as Vicodin.
(2) This weekend my mom is getting married in the Houston LDS temple. We'll be going down for a day trip to enjoy the festivities.
(3) I'm sure that I had more to say, but I got interrupted during this post, and now I'm tired and my brain is shot, so it'll have to wait till next time.