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about us

  • I'm a momma to 4 kids -- a boy, followed by 3 girls! We belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ( We're homeschooling our kids using a virtual school. We like to play outside and get messy! I like to try lots of crafty stuff and post the results on my blog.

currently working on

  • trying to average a new digital scrap layout a day

enjoy each moment . . .

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Member since 08/2005

« I'm gettin old, dang it | Main | fingers crossed »


SassyButt Friend Misty

You and I need to plan a girls night or day to go to IKEA:) Love the kitty pic...take a deep breath, this too shall pass;)


I'm soooo sorry about the lice, that makes me head itch just thinking about it!!! *scratch scratch* We haven't had it yet but I'm sure it will come one day especially since I noticed all the coats hanging together at school (uh..hello...) but we do have all other kinds of cooties that have shown their head here, we're fighting a 3 week stomach bug right now... good times... :}

PS If you come up here to go to Ikea, you better make it a day trip and come visit me, I'll even disinfect and ban my children to their rooms so you don't catch our nasty bugs :)


HATE lice!! We had it go through our house a couple of years ago - NOT fun!!! Hugs!!!!

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