Well . . . Monday evening I discovered about 5 nits (lice eggs) on Delaney's hair while I was getting her ready to go somewhere (I have been checking everyone regularly and we'd been free for 2 weeks). I had a semi-nervous breakdown, but I got over it. Either that night or the next morning I found a couple on Sadie's head, too. No actual bugs, mind you, but obviously there must be a couple in my house, somewhere. So -- back we go with all of the laundry, etc. I am starting to wonder if there is something in the girls' mattresses, even though I have sprayed them again with the chemicals, so for now we are back to camping out in the living room on an air mattress. Their real mattresses are going to be sequestered for three weeks to make sure that there is nothing alive in them before they are returned to their rightful owners. Joy.
At least THEY think it is fun!
And note Delaney's kitty blanket and pillowcase that Grandma made for her birthday -- she loves them.