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about us

  • I'm a momma to 4 kids -- a boy, followed by 3 girls! We belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ( We're homeschooling our kids using a virtual school. We like to play outside and get messy! I like to try lots of crafty stuff and post the results on my blog.

currently working on

  • trying to average a new digital scrap layout a day

enjoy each moment . . .

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Member since 08/2005

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I was wondering where you were! I saw Ryan - but not you all! Hope everyone gets better quickly! Give me a call if you need anything! Hugs!


Good grief, Charlie Brown! I think maybe someone put a curse on you guys or something. :-(


Trevor calls days like today "home church" hehe We were home today too, Trevor has a fever, go figure. I'm sorry your week stunk. I hope it gets TONS better this week!!!


I told Ryan on Sunday that you guys need to schedule a BORING month! Poor Sadie! I broke my arm when I was a little older than she is, and man, that really put a crimp in all my fun plans.
Glad to hear you still got a Primary lesson (complete with a "song lady"). 30 minutes sounds awfully good to me!! Let's write Salt Lake and see what they can do.


I'm always so impressed. I've never thought to have "home church" with my sick ones.

You are a trooper. I hope the rest of your year is totally sickness-free!

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