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about us

  • I'm a momma to 4 kids -- a boy, followed by 3 girls! We belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ( We're homeschooling our kids using a virtual school. We like to play outside and get messy! I like to try lots of crafty stuff and post the results on my blog.

currently working on

  • trying to average a new digital scrap layout a day

enjoy each moment . . .

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Member since 08/2005

« ninety | Main | happy weekend! »



Oh, wow. Good luck. As far as I'm concerned, Brent can just stay in school until all of this mess blows over. I really hope Ryan's able to find something else quickly! Very fitting picture of Ava!


I was thinking about you all when I read today's paper! Let us know if you need anything. Keeping you all in our prayers!

SassyButt Friend Misty

You know He never closes a door without opening a window:) I know you know this and why you feel so calm. I'm convinced one day in the future you will look back to this moment as a time that changed your life for the better. Hang in there...and know that when things get tough, I can come over after we get the kids in bed and we can have one of our "crazy night talks with SassyButt"...those always do wonders for our moods...we'll try to find some topics that haven't been discussed and I promise not to mention the Sasquatch:P


So sorry to hear this! I hope he is able to find the right job quickly. Glad you are feeling calm. That should be a sign that is is all going to work out.


I know that calm feeling--the Lord will provide! You guys are great, I'm sure something will work out! :) Love ya!

Erin Wilkinson

Good luck girl! I know Ryan will have no trouble finding another position suitable to him! I just hope it happens quickly for ya'll! I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers! :)


You'll be in our prayers. That calm feeling really goes a long way to bring peace, doesn't it?
About a month ago, Dave's project in CA unexpectedly shut down. No warning. We had a tiny bit of anxiety that he wouldn't find another position. We had the great blessing of feeling that anxiety for only a week or two, when a local position basically fell into his lap. We were overwhelmed by such a great blessing.
Now this new LOCAL job is much more stressful than his CA job. He's gone til midnight many nights, up at 5 to plan for meetings, anxious all day at work, struggling to learn and grow, sometimes making him physically ill. I am home with 4 kids (a fifth on the way) and tired. Knowing that this job was a godsend really helps us get through our days. I'm so grateful for the peace the Lord provides.
This too shall are such a rock. A great example of faith.

Brooke Hack

I'm so sorry about that. You guys are resiliant, I know you'll find another way to go. I'll keep you in my prayers.


Wow, Jess, I had no idea. We'll add our prayers to the list, too. Keep us posted.



Sorry to hear about the job! Hopefully something will come up quickly! If you need any help with unemployment, let me know cause I'm your girl! lol

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