I have been busy with various projects lately, including trying to finally get a garden going. I decided to go with a raised bed kit, since Ryan wouldn't be around to cut and measure wood for me. However, I still wound up having to dig out his drill to put holes into the boards, and I let Josh put it all together and so it needed a bit of a tweak at the end to get it to fit, but we got it in! It took us about two days to get the whole thing done, but now we have a nice little 4'x4' garden. After a mishap with my seed order, we finally got the seeds planted a couple of days ago (the plants went in a couple of weeks ago when the box was ready). I can tell you that Burpee has very excellent customer service, and I will definitely order from them again.
Now my biggest obstacle is keeping the wandering neighborhood cats (& a dog) out of it. I have a few tricks up my sleeve, though. ;-) (dumb cats, who do they think they're messin' with??)
The last two days it has rained like crazy, so not sure how my seeds will handle that. We may be starting anew in a couple of more weeks. Either way, the kids are excited to see what happens, and so am I!
P.S. Mee Mee, the watering can you got us is perfect, thank you!