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about us

  • I'm a momma to 4 kids -- a boy, followed by 3 girls! We belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ( We're homeschooling our kids using a virtual school. We like to play outside and get messy! I like to try lots of crafty stuff and post the results on my blog.

currently working on

enjoy each moment . . .

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Member since 08/2005

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Jen Barkdull

Thinking about you! Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you! BTW - Is the house near me? ;)


I do enjoy hearing from you no matter how infrequently (and it's more than I blog!) :-) I am sorry about Delaney's struggles and hope you can find some good solutions soon. I applaud you for not shutting others out. I completely do that when things get rough in my life and I don't know that I'll ever be any different.

Crossing my fingers on your short sale. I just don't have enough patience to deal with one of those. Keep us posted!


Sorry to hear you're having some struggles lately. I hope you find some good solutions.

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