I'm a momma to 4 kids -- a boy, followed by 3 girls! We belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (www.mormon.org). We're homeschooling our kids using a K12.com virtual school. We like to play outside and get messy! I like to try lots of crafty stuff and post the results on my blog.
Took a quick trip to Ft. Lauderdale over the weekend with Ryan. He bemoaned the lack of big waves. I bemoaned the humidity. It was still nice to see a new place, esp since the kids were home with Mee Mee. :-)
I know, I KNOW, I haven't been on here much in awhile. So many adventures, so little time to write about them all. I think I may try to schedule Fridays as a good day for blog updates.
Little Miss Sadie lost her first tooth last week. Lucky girl, the Tooth Fairy brought her $3 since it was her first and it was so cute and all. :-)
When your area has been in a severe drought as long as ours has, you get a bit excited about rain.
After the week I've had, this makes my heart SING!
Daddy is workin' late tonight, so the girls and I are going to make cookies and watch HSM 2. Josh is on his own, unless I decide I can't stand HSM and challenge him to some Wii time instead!
We've been having the most gorgeous weather here the last couple of days. Grilled hamburgers last night and they were goooooood.
We were also lucky enough to run around at the Lenington's house yesterday and play with all of their baby chickens, geese, ducks, and lots of other assorted critters -- fun to have homeschool friends with their own zoo! Trish also has a great garden going.
Yesterday morning we opted to forego our regularly scheduled program to spend some time watching one of our captive caterpillars emerge from his cocoon! Very exciting stuff. I even managed to catch a picture of Josh, since he had a reason to stick nearby. Neighbor girl came over to meet our new friend as well.
Ava mostly hung out on the porch with me, busy with her new obsession -- brushing her hair. She does have very nice, soft hair now!
Aahhhhh. Wouldn't it be nice to have nothing to do but collect seashells all day? :-)
It was a wonderfully lazy weekend -- we went to the beach, to the local nature museum that my kids love, took Mee Mee to a Mother's Day lunch at Chili's, played long-lost board games (and also brought more people into the Settlers of Catan circle; yes, I am officially addicted), and ate lots of sugar and fat.
My craaazy brother finally got the long and oft-discussed unicycle last week and has been doing a little practicing. Yes, for you, my loyal readers, I documented the process. :-)
First, Ben giving it a try.
Then, my hubby has to make his own noble attempt.
And Karyna's turn (this proves what a loving relationship they have!):
Then neighbor's wife sees us and announces, "hey, hubby can do that!" and so we force her to bring him out. Sure enough, even though it's been years since his last unicycle ride, he gets on there and quickly makes us all look stupid. :-)
We know how to have a good time 'round here, folks.
My nephew, Logan, (Ava's age) got his first big-kid scooter recently. I was there to witness his first owwie on it last night. Just look at those little cheeks!
Our neighborhood pool opens early in the year and closes late (usually runs April to October). My kids have been informed that it has to be at least 90 degrees outside before it is nearly warm enough to go swimming. In their little minds, that means that 90 degrees = pester Mom to take them to the pool. Problem -- our pool is not heated, so while the outside temperature can get warm, the water hasn't really warmed up yet at all. I put a toe in yesterday and it was ICE! But that doesn't stop determined kids!
It's going to be low 90's again today, so you'll know where to find me this afternoon . . .
You see that Ava has become part of the swim shirt club this year! I have actually ordered one for myself to give it a try when the water is w-a-r-m-e-r.